James O'Driscoll ・ Oxford University Press; Revised edition
Years 12+
United Kingdom
Pages : 224 pages
Matthew Koala
Kashidashi Reference
A History of Britain Australia and New Zealand Red Herrings And White Elephants: The Origins Of The Phrases We Use Every Day Animal Record Breakers: Thousands of Amazing Facts and Spectacular Feats 日本人に共通する英語のミス121 Lonely Planet Hiking in Japan
James O'Driscoll has a BA from the University of Cambridge, an RSA Dip TEFL, an MA from the University of Essex, and a PhD from the University of Gent, Belgium. After eight years' teaching EFL in Greece, he held teaching posts in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain. Since 1988 he has been conducting research and teaching linguistics and British culture at the English Department of the University of Gent.