Yig and Yogg the Happy Cats

Lindsay Camp ・ Walker Books Ltd

Years 5~8
United Kingdom
Pages : 32 pages
June 2, 2020

Kashidashi Items
にこにこにっこりクリスマス! (とびだししかけえほん) On my Beach The Sorely Trying Day Pete the Cat: The First Thanksgiving Pete's a Pizza Guess How Much I Love You

Meet Yig and Yogg the happy cats in a fresh and exciting new picture book. Yig and Yogg are friends. That's Yig with the big head and that's Yogg with the even bigger head! Just as very young children want to explore the world, so Yig and Yogg are an inquisitive pair. When Yig grows a sunflower he can't decide whether the flower is getting larger or whether he is getting smaller. It's a good thing Yogg is there to have one of her Brilliant Ideas... Using models and sets, these two original and engaging characters, imagined by Lindsay Camp, are realized by the creators of Waybuloo.